
FrankKaren brought me some pizza on her way home from the movie. God bless her. She's so nice. What a rarity. She understood why I missed the movie and said I would LOVE it. I can't wait.

My backbreakingly heavy suitcase finally arrived at 12:45 AM! I had to unpack it in the hall to get it to the second floor! (Hint for over-packers: Use curbside check-in! They don't check for extra weight!) It was completely disheveled by TSA but everything was there, at least. I've got the desktop set up—even the iSight—and I'm extremely happy. Now I can respond to insults from youngsters in the chats without the 10 minute delay I get on my elderly laptop.

I'm hungry again, though, and there are no places open, even in in this increasingly guppified neighborhood. (I was getting the hairy eyeball from some local home-owning fags when I was outside screaming into my cell phone, trying to get the USAirways robot to understand me this afternoon!) I think I'll just go to sleep.

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