Archive for February, 2012

NH to Vote on Bill to Revoke Gay Marriage Law

New Hampshire to Vote on Bill to Revoke Gay Marriage Law –

"Children can only be conceived naturally through copulation by heterosexual couples." This law actually has a chance of passing. What the fuck  is happening in this country?

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Jokers, Portland ME


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Big news!

Feds Won't Defend Laws Denying Benefits to Same-Sex Military Spouses | News | The Advocate

This is a huge deal.

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Fat. Fuck.

Fat fuck.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Vetoes Gay Marriage Bill

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I received this tonight for my work at Community Television Network, the Portland public access station. It was really unexpected. Thanks, folks, it means a lot to me.

I helped start PTV in Provincetown and volunteered there for a couple of years, training producers, editing and operating cameras. It was lots of fun. I was really happy to find out that I could contribute in Portland. Public access is a great resource and I wish people took better advantage of it.

It's always seemed strange to me that Comcast was able to take over the entire City of Philadelphia without providing access until their most recent contract.

If you're not watching public access, you should be. It's fun! It's certainly not like public access in NYC in the 70s but what is, really? The days (and nights) of the bizarre Telepsychic, Ron Jeremy's nude talk show Interludes After Midnight, Ugly George (who tried to get women on the street to take off their tops) and The Robin Byrd Show are long gone. Sigh.

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Dance floor

The dance floor looked pretty cool from upstairs. (This looks a lot better if you switch it to HD after it starts playing.)

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Eoto had amazing lighting

Eoto at House of Blues, Boston. (This looks a lot better if you switch it to HD after it starts playing.)

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The Most Disliked Athlete in America

Poll: NFL fans still dislike Eagles' Vick

Fucking shame, isn't it?

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More Roland Martin hate

My wife, an ordained Baptist minister for 20 years, has counseled many men and women to walk away from the gay lifestyle, and to live a chaste life.

But for Christians, going to church is not supposed to be a feel good exercise. We are expected to be convicted, and encouraged to walk away from sin and live a more Christ-like life. In my church, this goes for the woman who is an alcoholic, the child who continues to be disobedient to his parents, the young lady who is hell-bent on stealing, and the person who is gay. // News

His wife feels this way:

‎GLAAD uses our history to gain their equality & then stabs the point man in the back. Don't ask us for nothing else.

Don't worry, I won't.

Why CNN Suspended Liberal Roland Martin For Offensive Comments But Not Conservative Dana Loesch

Good Riddance.

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Roland Martin suspended!

Roland Martin

CNN’s Roland Martin suspended for homophobic tweets – The Washington Post

Get a load of this guy! I have nothing else to say.

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Starbucks, Newbury St., Boston MA


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