The dance floor looked pretty cool from upstairs. (This looks a lot better if you switch it to HD after it starts playing.)
The dance floor looked pretty cool from upstairs. (This looks a lot better if you switch it to HD after it starts playing.)
Posted by HighStrungLoner on February 10, 2012 in Boston, Music with tags Boston, Dancing, Dubstep, House of Blues, Music
Eoto at House of Blues, Boston. (This looks a lot better if you switch it to HD after it starts playing.)
Posted by HighStrungLoner on February 10, 2012 in Boston, Music with tags Boston, Dubstep, Eoto, House of Blues, Music
I am very slowly moving a lot of of the contents of an old blog to this one. There will be large gaps in the archives while I complete this tedious project. Thanks.
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