Archive for Mark Ruffalo

Mark Ruffalo's penis

Mark RuffaloI watched the Director's Cut DVD of Jane Campion's In The Cut last night. I really liked the novel and the movie is not bad. The book did a better job of incorporating the heroine's love of words with the sex and thriller aspects of the story. The movie doesn't successfully visualize her inner life, although they do try and it's certainly beautifully shot. The cinematography is more than just pretty, too, it's appropriate. The film is worth renting for no other reason than to see Campion grappling with what is for the most part a genre picture and for Mark Ruffalo's dick. Meg Ryan is terrific in it, even though she seems to be channeling Nicole Kidman. Kidman produced the movie, so I guess she was suppposed to be in it herself.

Mark RuffaloI didn't see it in the movies, so I'm not sure if this shot of Mark Ruffalo's meaty dick was in the theatrical release or not. There's a glimpse of it earlier in the movie, before the sex scene, but this semi-close-up appears at the beginning of their post-cunnilingal chit-chat. Then there's a bit of business in which he pulls the covers over it and then she covers it even more! Too bad.

Ruffalo is very sexy in this movie and, because of his seductive performance, the inevitable cop/victim hook-up is more believable than most. Besides, they get it out of the way early which adds tension to the later scenes instead of relieving it. Anyway, the movie's not bad but the book is a better bet, especially now that I've shown you the good part.

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