Archive for Nicole Kidman


I went to Blockbuster today to look for used DVDs. I bought "Super Size Me" and "Dogville." The cashier asked me if I really wanted to buy "Dogville." I said I did and she replied that a couple of people have told her it was the worst film they'd ever seen! I saw it in June in Providence and loved it. I'm not sure I'll ever watch it again because it's really unpleasant, but I sure want to own it. It's generally considered anti-American, and it may well be, but that doesn't bother me much. It appears to have bothered a lot of otherwise sensible critics, though. More interesting to me, the director, Lars Von Trier, seems to really get off on humiliating famous actresses. If you want to see Nicole Kidman chained to a giant piece of concrete or Lauren Bacall mime hoeing potatoes, then this is the movie for you!

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